RUSSIA, WTO MEMBERS GET THEIR TARIFF POLICIES CLOSER MOSCOW, MARCH 11, 2001 /FROM RIA NOVOSTI CORRESPONDENTS NADEZHDA ANISIMOVA, ALEXANDER IVASHCHENKO/--Russia and WTO member-states have of late got their tariff policies closer, said Maksim Medvedkov, Russian deputy minister of economic development and trade. According to him, Russia has already agreed approximately 30 percent of imports tariffs with the World Trade Organization, locating mutually acceptable approaches towards another 40 percent. However, the sides drastically disagree upon the remaining 30 percent. The latter mostly cover imports tariffs for furniture, beer, medicines, machines and equipment, chemicals, alcohol and agricultural products, noted Medvedkov. At the same time, maximum flexibility of tariff policies still stand high on Russia's priority list, said the deputy minister. In his words, Russia will reach progress in talks on tariff policies when it clearly knows additional obligations set forth by the WTO for its membership. - 0- (var/nog) 11/03/01 16:36