RUSSIAN PRESIDENT'S SPECIAL ENVOY ON CASPIAN TO VISIT KAZAKHSTAN MOSCOW, MARCH 11, 2001. /RIA Novosti correspondent/ -- The Russian President's special envoy on Caspian, Deputy Foreign Minister Viktor Kalyuzhny, will leave for Kazakhstan on Monday to take part in the second round of bilateral talks on the Caspian legal status. According to Mr Kalyuzhny, the meeting will focus on determining the methodological principle on which the middle modified line will be drawn. An agreement on delimitation is reflected in the treaty between Russia and Kazakhstan signed by the presidents of the two countries, Vladimir Putin and Nursultan Nazarbayev. The delimitation represents the second stage of the determining of the Caspian Sea status, the president's envoy noted. Moreover, according to Mr Kalyuzhny, the sides will also consider issues related to determining the status of some points of argument, specifically, the status of three islands to which both Russia and Kazakhstan aspire. The sides will also discuss preparations for the summit of the heads of the Caspian states scheduled for early April, Mr Kalyuzhny reported.