IRAN, TAJIKISTAN STAND TOGETHER ON MANY PROBLEMS DUSHANBE, MARCH 9, 2001 /FROM RIA NOVOSTI CORRESPONDENT NAZHMIDIN AZIZOV/ -- Iran and Tajikistan stand together on quite a few issues including regional security, said Iranian Defence Minister Rear Admiral Ali Shamkhani following the meeting with Tajik President Emomali Rakhmonov. The minister stressed that it was utterly important in the context of his pending visit to Russia which, in his words, can extend the scope for Iran-Russia-Tajikistan cooperation in combating terrorism, extremism and drug mafia. Ali Shamkhani added that the meeting with the Tajik leader highlighted military cooperation between the two countries, in particular the implementation of agreements on military and military-technical cooperation along with other issues of mutual concern. Earlier, Ali Shamkhani met with Tajik Defence Minister Colonel General Sherali Khairulloyev. Summing up the conversation the Tajik Defence Minister said that both sides unanimously believed that there was no military solution to the Afghan problem. In their opinion, political dialogue should be stepped up between the conflicting forces in Afghanistan. The parties called on the world community to take every step toward making elected president of Afghanistan Burnahuddin Rabbani and the Taliban leadership sit down to the negotiating table.