AFGHAN EMBASSY SPOKESMAN SAYS, TALIBAN DESTROYING CULTURAL MONUMENTS POSES THREAT TO WORLD MOSCOW, March 9. /RIA Novosti/. The Taliban's move to destroy monuments of pre-Islamic culture poses a threat to the Afghan people, to other peoples of the region and to the world at large, First Secretary of the Afghanistani Embassy in Moscow, Ghulam Sakhi Ghairat, said in a comment aired by Ekho Moskvy radio. He is convinced that destroying values of world culture is a way for the Taliban to "further pursue their expansion against neighboring countries, primarily, Central Asian republics." "The international community must take the most drastic measures" to stem the process, the Embassy spokesman added. As he put it, "this is extremely serious, because scarier things are going to follow up in Afghanistan: apartheid and ethnic, religious, and linguistic cleansing."