RUSSIA STILL LITHUANIA'S MAJOR TRADE PARTNER VILNIUS, March 8, 2001. / RIA Novosti correspondent Vytautas Mikulicius /. On Wednesday, Lithuania's president Valdas Adamkus discussed exports of Lithuanian farm products to Russia, where they are traditionally popular. He discussed this issue with the leadership of the ministry of agriculture, other agricultural organisations and the foreign ministry's top officials. The Lithuanian minister of agriculture said in particular that exports of foodstuffs to Russia had shrunk, while the exports to the West had seen considerable increase of late. Nevertheless, Russia is still Lithuania's major trade partner. Supplies of farm production to Russia account for nearly 20 percent of the total volume of the exports. Traditionally, Lithuania has been supplying Russia with meat and dairy products. Russian customs duties are acceptable for Lithuania, Adamkus noted. The Lithuanian president's official visit to Russia is scheduled to take place on March 29-31. He will be familiarised with various aspects of cooperation with Russia. The Lithuanian authorities, parliamentarians, leading industrialists and entrepreneurs have intensified their cooperation with Russia recently. In the first half of February, business meetings were held in Vilnius with the managers of the Russian Industrialists and Entrepreneurs' Union and the United Energy Systems (UES) of Russia. Russian-Lithuanian cooperation agreements were signed. More active contacts with the neighbouring Kaliningrad region are also in focus of discussion. According to the preliminary itinerary, the Lithuanian president is to visit the Kaliningrad region as well. According to the statistics department, Lithuania's trade with Russia and other CIS countries has been growing of late. Last year alone, Lithuanian exports to Russia increased by nearly 29 percent, and imports from Russia - by more than 56 percent. As in previous years, Russia is the main supplier of fossil fuels to Lithuania.