US AND SOUTH KOREAN PRESIDENTS STRESS THE IMPORTANCE OF HOLDING CONSULTATIONS ON MISSILE DEFENCE WASHINGTON, March 8 /RIA Novosti correspondent Arkady Orlov/ - US President George Bush and South Korean President Kim Dae-jung agree that it is necessary to look for new approaches to the protection against new threats, including the mass destruction weapons, and also missiles as the means of their delivery, says the text of the joint statement by George Bush and Dae-jung circulated in Washington after the completion of the talks between the two Presidents that took place on Wednesday. Both leaders believe that the struggle with these threats requires a broad strategy, including various measures. Among them there are diplomatic efforts in the field of non-proliferation, defence systems and other relevant measures, stresses the statement. George Bush and Kim Dae-jung also said that they agreed in the assessment of the importance of holding consultations between the allies and other interested parties on these measures, including missile defence, for the purpose of strengthening global peace and security. (fed/vld)