COMMUNISTS WILL SEEK NO-CONFIDENCE VOTE IN KASYANOV GOVERNMENT MOSCOW, March 8 /RIA Novosti/ - The position of the Communist Party faction in the State Duma on bringing a vote of no-confidence in the government has not changed after a meeting between the party's leader, Gennady Zyuganov, and the Russian President. This is what Gennady Zyuganov said himself commenting on the meeting with Vladimir Putin. According to Zyuganov, "we discussed a number of topical issues which now concern the entire country." Speaking about this meeting as a whole, the leader of the Communist Party of Russia said that it was important and mutually beneficial. In the opinion of Gennady Zyuganov, such meetings should be held regularly. The vote of no-confidence in the government was initiated by the Communists because the incumbent government led by Mikhail Kasyanov, despite the favourable market situation, has failed to carry out economic reform and change the economic situation in Russia for the better. (fed/vld)