BELARUS TO RECKON WITH OSCE STANDARDS, CALLS LATVIA'S PREMIER RIGA, MARCH 7 (from RIA Novosti's Anatoli Baranovsky) - Vladimir Yermoshin, Belarussian Prime Minister, is paying a private visit to Latvia for its commercial and industrial exposition and Belarussian Economy Days. He met with Andris Berzins, the host country's Prime Minister, at an unofficial lunch this morning, reports the Latvian government chancellory. The conferees debated economic issues of shared concern, and the stances of the OSCE, the Council of Europe and the European Union on an upcoming Belarussian presidential poll. Belarus is to comply with OSCE standards, which have an extensive public support in the West, if it wants to resume contacts with international organisations, pointed out Mr. Berzins with an emphasis on a dialogue between the Belorussian regime and opposition, and guarantees for the latter's access to the media. The conferees approved bilateral economic partnership in frontier areas and elsewhere. Latvia is eager to conclude a treaty with Belarus, drafted as early as 1993, for a reciprocal return of illegal immigrants, said Andris Berzins. He called Belarus to step up frontier demarcation efforts.