RUSSIA'S ADMISSION TO WTO TO BE CONSIDERED AT AD HOC GROUP'S JUNE SESSION IN GENEVA MOSCOW, MARCH 7 (from RIA Novosti's Alexander Ivashchenko) - The next session of the ad hoc group for Russia's admission to the World Trade Organization is to be held in Geneva in June, reports the Russian Economic Development and Trade Ministry. One of the focal topics at the forthcoming session will be new Russian proposals on the access to the services market. These were already discussed in Geneva last week, at informal consultations between a Russian delegation and officials of the nine member states of the WTO. According to our sources, the discussion provided a foundation for subsequent official talks. The new package of Russian proposals was submitted to the WTO in mid-February. The WTO shows particular interest in proposals on the access to Russia's financial markets and insurance services markets, says the ministry. The Russian side has also elaborated new proposals on tariffs and on government regulation of agriculture.