NIGERIAN PRESIDENT ON ECONOMIC COOPERATION WITH RUSSIA MOSCOW, MARCH 7, RIA NOVOSTI'S YURY NIKOLAYEV - Nigerian President Olusegun Obasanjo has called upon Russian business people to take part in the development of oil and gas deposits in his country. He also said that joint projects could be promoted in the industrial and high-tech areas, noting that the investment climate in his country has been improved over the past several years. "Russian business is welcome in our country," stressed the president. Olusegun Obasanjo said at a meeting with Russian entrepreneurs that he hoped the business circles of the two countries would strike relations which would be as wonderful as those established between him and President Vladimir Putin the day before. He cited the figure of $500 million the two presidents agreed upon to total bilateral trade within the next five years. This considered, the Nigerian president urged the Russian business community to assist in that.