ALLOWING IMPORT, BURIAL OF NUCLEAR WASTE IN RUSSIA IS MADNESS -- YEGOR STROYEV MOSCOW, March 6. /RIA Novosti's correspondent Maria Balynina/. Federation Council speaker Yegor Stroyev called "madness" the attempt to permit the import and burial of nuclear waste in Russia. "Only madman can think this will save Russia. Such a decision reveals an unstatesmanly approach", he believes. Stroyev stressed that as the governor of the Orel region he knows more than others about "the effects of the Chernobyl catastrophe, which has literally been spread over our regions". "Today the number of diseased children is increasing and effects of the Chernobyl nuclear accident are still being felt", he said. This is why "it must in no case be allowed to bring in nuclear waste to Russia", said the chairman of the Federation Council.