VLADIMIR PUTIN RARELY USES INTERNET, BUT REGULARLY READS ITS MATERIALS PREPARED BY HIS STAFF MOSCOW, March 6. /RIA Novosti correspondent/. Vladimir Putin thinks that the Internet is a very promising and very interesting form of contact and source of information. The Russian President said this replying in the Kremlin on Tuesday to questions put to him by Internet media. At the same time, the head of state admitted that he rarely if ever uses the Internet, explaining this jokingly by his "inborn laziness" and also adding, now seriously, that he has now "many other possibilities, many staff and aides who do this professionally". "But the results produced by the Internet I do use," Putin said, mentioning, for example, "excerpts from different Internet publications, such as the gazeta.ru. The President said that he reads these materials in the same way as he does daily mail and some analytical reviews from the Internet.