DECLARATION ON FRIENDSHIP AND PARTNERSHIP BETWEEN RUSSIA AND NIGERIA SIGNED IN MOSCOW MOSCOW, March 6, 2001. /from RIA Novosti correspondent Oleg Osipov/--The Declaration on the principles of friendly relations and partnership signed by the Presidents of Russia and Nigeria in Moscow today is aimed to develop trade-economic cooperation between the two countries. The RIA Novosti correspondent reports that the document provides for the parties to creqate "the necessary economic, financial and legal conditions for the development and encouragement of all forms of trade, investment and other economic activity, in particular in the oil and gas sector." The Declaration notes that Russia and Nigeria "will consult each other on issues concerning the foreign debt problem and coordinate their stances on this problem." The Presidents of the two countries also agreed to establish "direct contacts between business entities, including small and medium businesses, banks and other crediting organisations." Besides, according to the Declaration, the sides will develop "the exchange of experience and information on socio-economic, commercial and financial issues and on the policy pursued in these spheres." In addition to that it is proposed to organize exchange of information and experience in the field of exploration, production and exploitation of natural and mineral resources. The bulk of the 10-page Declaration is dedicated to international issues. The document reads that bilateral cooperation between Russia and Nigeria may include "the development of practical cooperation so as to consolidate anti-crisis and peace-keeping potential of the UN and regional international organisations." The Declaration stresses that the parties "confirm their adherence to global disarmament and the consolidation of the regimes of non-proliferation of arms of mass destruction and will strive to coordinate their activities in these fields." In addition to that the Document reads that the parties attach great importance to the implementation of an initiative programme of strengthening strategic security laid down in the statement of the President of Russia of November 13, 2000. Russia and Nigeria will also contribute to the success of an international conference to be held under the UN aegis in Moscow in 2001. The conference to mark the 40th anniversary of man's first flight to outer space will be devoted to the prevention of militarisation of outer space.