MORE THAN 6,000 QUESTIONS FOR RUSSIAN PRESIDENT HAVE ARRIVED AHEAD OF HIS INTERNET NEWS CONFERENCE MOSCOW, MARCH 5, RIA NOVOSTI. More than 6,000 questions for the Russian President have been mailed to the strana-ru web-site ahead of an interview which Vladimir Putin will give on the Internet. said that by 18.10 the number of questions sent in for the President had reached 6,877. The first online interview by Vladimir Putin will take place in the Kremlin at 18.00 Moscow time on March 6 and will last an hour. The President will reply to questions of three Internet media - the Russian gazeta-ru and and the British BBC online. Any visitor to these sites can since February 27 put a question to the Russian head of state. These network publications plan to give the readers both the printed version of the interview in online mode and its direct audio and video broadcasting. Questions to the site are coming from practically all constituent members of the Russian Federation and also from commonwealth and non-commonwealth countries. A spokesman for the strana-ru site told RIA Novosti that "our readers bring up topics that are of key significance for modern-day Russia". A considerable number of questions deal with the content, direction and dynamism of reforms being carried out on the President's initiative. "Our readers are interested in the real mechanism for building up an efficient state, or in other words: how the head of state's plans will be realised, where he will look for supporting personnel, and what concrete steps will be taken in the near future along the main lines of reforming state power," the site spokesman added.