RUSSIAN FISHING VESSEL URGED BY RUSSIA FOR OUSTER FROM JAPAN SETS SAIL TOKYO, March 4. /RIA Novosti's correspondent Vyacheslav Bantin/. Today the Russian fishing vessel CTM-17, on whose ouster from Japan's territorial waters Russia insisted, has sailed from the post of Wakkanai in the northern Japanese island of Hokkaido. The RIA Novosti correspondent reports that the ship, whose crew is suspected of offending a range of federal laws on the exclusive economic zone of Russia, namely illegal fishing, has been staying at Wakkanai since February 20. The CTM-167 crew did not obey the instructions of Russian border guards to stop for inspection and then, changing the flag from Russian to Japanese, went into the territorial waters of Japan. The ship, having 243-tonne displacement and 13 crewmen on board, got underway in an unknown direction, reports the Japanese news agency Kyodo Tsushin.