TAJIK-AFGHAN BORDER SETUP STILL STRAINED DUSHANBE, March 4. /A RIA Novosti correspondent/. The situation on the Tajik-Afghan border remains tense. Today RIA Novosti was told at the press service of the Federal Frontier Service in Tajikistan that on Saturday Russian border guards again registered shootouts in the adjacent territory. Small arms were heard in use near the border in front of the Pyandzh border guard unit. The Moskovski Pyandzh unit goes on doing service in heightened regime, reported the press service. It also said that late on Saturday in the section of the Khorog border guard unit a trespasser was discovered who on a rubber raft was crossing the Pyandzh river from Afghanistan to Tajikistan. He ignored a warning shot and sought to hide in the adjacent territory. Russian border guards had to open aimed fire. The trespasser got a light wound, was detained and given medical aid. Examination is under way.