GERMAN POLITICIAN HANS DIETRICH GENSCHER FOR RUSSIA-EU DIALOGUE MOSCOW, March 3. /RIA Novosti correspondent/. Hans Dietrich Genscher, a noted German politician and former German foreign minister, advocates a Russia-EU foreign political dialogue. He said this during his Saturday meeting with Russia's Deputy Foreign Minister Georgy Mamedov, the Russian Foreign Ministry's press and information department said on Saturday. Mamedov and Genscher discussed the state of and prospects for international and Russian-German relations above all in security and disarmament. The Russian diplomat informed the German politician in detail of Russia's stand on strengthening strategic stability and described approaches to dialogue with the new American administration and other of Russia's Group of Eight partners. It was stressed that the Russian leadership's latest proposals for further reduction of Russian and US nuclear arsenals, with the ABM Treaty observed and cooperation on a non-strategic European missile defence system, will keep intact the international system of agreements on arms control, to which Genscher also contributed.