MAYOR OF TOMSK RE-ELECTED AS PRESIDENT OF ASSOCIATION OF SIBERIAN AND FAR EASTERN CITIES NOVOSIBIRSK, 3 March 2001. /From RIA Novosti correspondent Natalya Reshetnikova/. The Mayor of Tomsk (a regional centre in Western Siberia) Alexander Makarov was re-elected as president of the Association of Siberian and Far Eastern Cities (ASDG) which marks its 15-th anniversary this year, ASDG executive secretary Alexander Zaitsev announced Saturday. Election to the Association's chief administrative posts, including the ASDG Board members and President, took place at the ASDG annual session which has closed its work today in Novosibirsk (a regional centre in Western Siberia). The session was attended by mayors of 50 Siberian and Far Eastern cities, Presidential representatives, the Federal Government's officials, as well as deputies of the State Duma and the Congress of Russia's Municipalities. The session's participants also discussed issues pertaining to the current condition of the urban life-support systems and exchanged opinions about various aspects of the upcoming utilities reform and development of local government.