GEORGE BUSH SENIOR, HENRY KISSINGER, TED TURNER CONGRATULATE GORBACHEV ON HIS BIRTHDAY WASHINGTON DC, March 2. /From RIA Novosti correspondent Arkady Orlov/. An Internet site containing Mikhail Gorbachev's "electronic presidential library" was opened in the USA on Friday. It contains congratulations to the Soviet leader on his 70th birthday from ex-president George Bush senior, former Secretaries of State Henry Kissinger, James Baker and George Schults. There is also a video taped congratulation of US media mogul Ted Turner, a video message of Ruth Mitchel, president of the US public television and radio, and of other prominent American figures. The site based in Santa Monica, California, also includes a documentary shot specially to mark Gorbachev's jubilee. The site is a good opportunity for Internet users willing to congratulate Mikhail Gorbachev personally.