MILITARY PROSECUTION LOOKS INTO MEDIA ALLEGATIONS AGAINST FEDERAL SERVICEMEN; FINDS NO EVIDENCE TO PROVE THEIR GUILT MOSCOW, March 2. /RIA Novosti/. Vladimir Kalamanov, the federal president's special envoy for human rights to Chechnya, has pointed out "full independence and offensiveness" of agencies under the Military Prosecutor's Office. According to Kalamanov, as part of the investigation into allegations from Novaya Gazeta reporter Anna Politkovskaya about people kept in pits, representatives of the Military Prosecutor's Office subjected to tough interrogation all federal servicemen suspected of crime. The investigation proved the reporter's allegations to be false. Kalamanov also reported that the Military Prosecutor's Office has by now opened legal proceedings against federal servicemen on 58 cases. Nineteen cases have been brought to trial and fourteen servicemen have been court-martialed, he said. Kalamanov also said that at an assembly of about 500 residents of Khatun, local inhabitants had pointed to their good relations with the commandant's office. They said they wanted to "work peacefully, " asking to trust them more and to invite their services rather than services of adjacent regions' residents, he said. Kalamanov also announced that next Wednesday or Thursday, members of his staff would meet with inhabitants of Khatun and the Vedeno and Shali districts of Chechnya.