SHIMON PERES RECOMMENDED AS FOREIGN MINISTER TEL AVIV, March 2. /From RIA Novosti correspondent Andrei Pravov/. An Avoda party meeting held in Tel Aviv has elected its candidates to ministerial posts in Ariel Sharon's national unity government. According to secret ballot results, Shimon Peres was recommended to the post of foreign minister, Binyamin Ben-Eliezer to the post of defence minister, Efraim Sne was recommended as transport minister, Dalia Itzik as industry and trade minister, Sholom Simhon as agriculture minister, and Matan Vilnai was recommended to take the post of minister of science, culture and sports. Knesset deputies Raanan Cohen and Salakh Tarif were voted for as prospective ministers without portfolio. Ariel Sharon is reported to be pleased with the vote outcomes.