MOSCOW IS CATEGORICALLY AGAINST MAKING ANY AMENDMENTS TO THE ABM TREATY MOSCOW, March 2, 2001. /Form RIA Novosti's Pyotr Goncharov/. Russia's position on the 1972 ABM treaty remains intact - Moscow is categorically against making nay any amendments to it, a high-ranking diplomatic source said on Friday. In his words, Russia does not think that changes that would justify making amendments to the 1972 ABM treaty have taken place in the world strategic situation. Moscow does not share the US assessments of the threats allegedly emanating from some countries in the missile sphere which are being used to substantiate the need to create a national missile defense system in the USA, he noted. Moscow is seriously concerned over the US plans to create a national missile defense system in the USA, he stressed. Nevertheless, stressed the source, Russia "does not lose hope for a compromise solution." He said that this implies the implementation of a program of actions to maintain strategic stability, initiated by Russia of late. This position was confirmed in the statement by Russian president Vladimir Putin of November 13 last year, recalled the source. In his words, under the program initiated by Russia, it is proposed that the sides leave the 1972 ABM treaty intact and go over on its basis to further steps to reduce strategic offensive arms (START). In particular, this is "the implementation of the joint statement by the Russian and US presidents of September 2, 1998 on the beginning of talks on START-3 right after the ratification by Russia of START-2," he said. The Russian president in his statement of November 13 reaffirmed Russia's preparedness to cut nuclear warheads to 1,500 and more, recalled the diplomat.