ALVARO GIL-ROBLES: SITUATION IN CHECHNYA HAS IMPROVED MOSCOW, MARCH 2, 2001. /From RIA Novosti Correspondent/. The Council of Europe's Human Rights Commissioner Alvaro Gil-Robles believes that the situation in Chechnya has improved. He expressed his opinion at a meeting with Russian Justice Minister Yuri Chaika. It was noted at the ministry that during his conversation with the Russian minister, Alvaro Gil-Robles "expressed satisfaction with the Justice Ministry's activity" and declared that he had no claims to the department's work in Chechnya. Yuri Chaika said during the meeting that the Justice Ministry had carried out its commitments to the Council of Europe. He said, in particular, that the conditions in the Chernokozovo pre-trial detention centre had begun to get in line with international standards. "This was confirmed by Western observers during their numerous visits," noted the minister. Apart from that, panels of lawyers have been created in all districts of Chechnya, notary's and registry offices have been opened, and a group of bailiffs set up, said the head of the Justice Ministry. The Council of Europe's Human Rights Commissioner labelled as "timely and wise" President Vladimir Putin's decision to withdraw from Chechnya part of the military formations and to hand over the general control of the counter-terrorist operation to the FSB and the Interior Ministry. He also described as positive the process of the establishment of a judicial system in Chechnya. At the same time, Alvaro Gil-Robles drew attention to the remaining serious problems. He considers one of the main ones to be the fact that the population of Chechnya does not have enough confidence in the judiciary which do not bring to the end some cases connected with human rights violations.