RUSSIAN GENERAL FORECASTS AN INCREASE OF THE FLOW OF NARCOTICS FROM AFGHANISTAN IN SPRING DUSHANBE, MARCH 2. /FROM RIA NOVOSTI CORRESPONDENT NAJMIDIN AZIZOV/ -- In the opinion of director of the Federal Frontier Service (FPS) of Russia Colonel-General Konstantin Totsky, the flow of narcotics across the Tajik-Afghan border will increase in spring. He stated this on Friday after his meeting with President of Tajikistan Emomali Rakhmonov. According to Totsky, last year the Russian and Tajik border guards, as well as the law-enforcement bodies of the republic detained considerably more drugs than in 1998-1999. Speaking about the situation in Afghanistan, the director of the FPS of Russia noted that at the present time it is not necessary to additionally strengthen the Tajik-Afghan border. "We constantly assess the situation in that country, and strive to forecast, to divine it", Totsky noted.