RUSSIAN FRONTIER-GUARDS HAVE DETAINED MORE THAN A HUNDRED PEOPLE SUSPECTED OF TAKING PART IN CHECHEN ARMED UNITS STAVROPOL, March 2, RIA Novosti correspondent Valery Oliyanchuk - An inhabitant of Chechnya, who tried to leave Russia, was detained on Thursday at the Russian-Azerbaijan border. The cause of his arrest was the bullet wounds discovered on his body. They may testify to his complicity in illegal armed units, RIA Novosti was told in the regional directorate of the Russian Federal Frontier Service. According to the data of this directorate, this week alone there were five such detainments. Altogether, since the beginning of the counter-terrorist operation in Chechnya, more than a hundred people, suspected of participating in military actions against the Russian soldiers, were detained at southern borders of Russia. At the same time over 23,000 inhabitants of Chechnya freely passed through the check-points. -O- (kos/var) 02/03/01 12:26