HEADS OF FOREIGN MINISTRIES OF IRAN AND TURKMENISTAN CAME OUT FOR A GOVERNMENT OF CONCORD IN AFGHANISTAN TEHERAN, MARCH 2. /FROM RIA NOVOSTI CORRESPONDENT YEVGENY ZAINABITDINOV/ -- Iran and Turkmenia have called upon the warring parties in Afghanistan to form a "government of concord and unity" which would include representatives of all the nationalities living in that country. Minister of Foreign Affairs of Iran Kamal Harrazi who is staying in capital of Turkmenia Ashkhabad on a visit said this on Friday in the interview given to the Iranian information agency IRNA. During the talks the heads of the foreign-policy agencies of Iran and Turkmenia stated the necessity of helping, through joint efforts, establish peace and tranquillity in Afghanistan. As Kamal Harrazi explained, the position of Iran is that Teheran, as before, officially recognises only Burhanuddin Rabbani as the head of the Afghan state. The Taliban should stop the combat operations against the Northern Alliance and begin a peaceful negotiating process with their opponents and with the president acting in the country on the questions of forming legitimate bodies of power in Afghanistan.