INTERIOR MINISTRY SUMS UP RESULTS OF POLICE OPERATIONS IN CHECHNYA LAST MONTH MOSCOW, March 1. /RIA Novosti/. Federal police detained 252 rebel suspects in Chechnya this past February. Four of them had been on wanted lists. Investigation is now underway to establish the other suspects' guilt. Over the last month, 351 mini oil refineries were destroyed and more than 2,500 kilograms of stolen non-ferrous metals were discovered and confiscated. According to the Russian Interior Ministry, federal police confiscated over this same period 120 grenade launchers, 3 rifles, 67 pieces of smoothbore arms, 3 pieces of artillery arms, and about 93,000 pieces of munitions. They also disarmed 105 land mines and confiscated 804 projectiles, over 2,000 grenades, 505 kilograms of explosives, 143 explosive devices, and 58 kilograms of drugs.