BORODIN MAY GET OUT ON BAIL, AFTER ALL MOSCOW, March 1. /RIA Novosti's Maria Lokotetskaya/. The Brooklyn Court in New York City has scheduled the hearing, for April 2, of the extradition case of Pavel Borodin, State Secretary of the Union of Russia and Belarus, who is now being held in detention in the USA. Borodin's lawyers have disclosed that they will have submitted all the relevant documents to the court by March 6. Now Borodin's attorneys have submitted to the Brooklyn Court new papers that are necessary for ruling on the releasing their defendant on bail. Thus, the lawyers requested that the Council of Ministers and the Supreme State Council of the Russian-Belarussian Union provide them with information on Pavel Borodin's functions and status. They have already received replies signed by Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Kasyanov and Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko. The defense believes these are a sufficient warrant for the court to recognize the necessity for a high-ranking official to attend to government service, as an exclusive circumstance. The bail may be set at $200,000 to 250,000. The date of a Borodin bail hearing has not been set. The lawyers hope the date will be set as early as today, on March 1.