CHECHEN SEPARATISTS TRYING TO RIVET WORLD'S ATTENTION TO THEMSELVES MOSCOW, MARCH 1, 2001. /RIA NOVOSTI CORRESPONDENT/. Chechen warlords are determined to mount a propaganda campaign in order to compel Moslems to look on Chechnya as an outpost of "the world-wide jihad". This was disclosed by an official from the office of Sergei Yastrzhembski, presidential aide. According to information available, the separatist leaders are deeply concerned about the fact that the Islamic world has paid ever less attention to their activity. Abu Omar showed disregard for the fact that lots of Muslims "willingly help Palestinians rather than Chechens and Afghanis in their struggle." Abu Omar ordered that some profound article should be issued to "draw a line" between the struggle of the Palestinian Moslems on the one hand and those in Chechnya and Afghanistan on the other hand. In the opinion of the "spiritual leader", one should stress the fact that, in contrast to Chechen and Afghan mojaheddin, Palestinians do not want to establish Islam worldwide. By stirring up interest to the Chechen crisis, the warlords want foreign sponsors to resume funding their activity, the official from Yastrzhembski's Office said. However, Moslems of the world are very much shocked by the image of such "defenders of Islamic values" as Basayev and Khattab. So, it's not a surprise that Maskhadov is not supported by foreign Chechen diaspora, particularly in Jordan, as well as adherents of Islam in the world.