RUSSIA AND VIETNAM ON THE PROBLEMS OF KOREAN PENINSULA AND THE MIDDLE EAST HANOI, MARCH 1. (FROM RIA NOVOSTI SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT MARIANNA SHATIKHINA). Russia and Vietnam welcome the results of the inter-Korean summit meeting held in June 2000 and new steps to reconcile the two parts of Korea. This is said in the Declaration on Strategic Partnership between Russia and Vietnam signed today in Hanoi by president of Russia Vladimir Putin and president of Vietnam Tran Duc Luong. The countries, says the document, support the striving of the people of the Korean Peninsula to peaceful re-unification as well as all the constructive efforts aimed at preserving peace and stability on the Peninsula and solving its problems by peaceful means, using a dialogue. The Declaration points out that Russia and Vietnam are unanimous in supporting the efforts to achieve a strong and just peace in the Middle East on the basis of resolutions Nos. 242 and 338 of the UN Security Council and principles of the Madrid conference, including the formula "land in exchange for peace".