MIKHAIL KASSIANOV A REAGI WITH CALMS WITH THE RESULTS OF THE VOTE AT THE PARLIAMENT MOSCOW, March 14. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " /. the Prime Minister Mikhail Kassianov has reagi with calms with the results of the vote of today in the Lower House, and A thanks the deputes which had not supported the motion of censure or had abstained from at the time of the vote. Question by the journalists, it A explains his absence has Douma during the vote by the fact that it considere not what occurs like an invitation has to engage Douma in a discussion on the pressing problems of the country, but like a challenge launches by a parliamentary fraction. " All the claims of the Communists are known ", said the Prime Minister. They have ete examinees has two recoveries between Kassianov and Ziouganov. On the problems souleves, the government and the PC have " divergences of principle ", A underlines the Prime Minister. " We do not intend to give up our principles ", has it indicates. Question by the correspondent of RIA " Novosti ", Mikhail Kassianov A stresses that it counts on a positive co-operation of the government with the Lower House. The discussions with the announcer of Douma, Guennadi Seleznev, have gate on the necessite of a meeting of the head of the government with Douma to examine with it the plan of adoption of the priority bills which - the government the espere much - will be approve before the end of the session of spring. The meeting of the government convoquee today by Mikhail Kassianov precisely allowed preparer this plan of hierarchiser and bills " the priorities ". Mikhail Kassianov A confirms the will to take part in the meetings has Douma, whatever is the formula, to agree on the priority of the projects has to adopt. Initially, they are the relative texts has the tax sphere (owing to the fact that Douma will consider the budget of the next year), with the land Code and the social questions.