THE WITHDRAWAL OF TCHETCHENIE OF THE UNITS OF THE MILITARY AREA OF MOSCOW WILL BEGIN ON MARCH 20 MOSCOW, March 14. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Alexandre Konovalov). The withdrawal of Tchetchenie of the units of infantry motorisee of the military Area of Moscow will begin on March 20. The first military convoy will transport manpower of the units of the military Area of Moscow with their weapons and them materiel of war. RIA " Novosti " has of it ete informee by colonel Vitali Goussak, head of the service of press of the military Area of Moscow. The units of 15th regiment of infantry motorisee of the division of guard of Taman will reconsider the premieres the spot of their permanent parking. Part of the heavy armaments and materiel of war of the units of military infantry of the Area of Moscow will be transmitted permanently has the 4e division of infantry motorisee of guard stationnee in the Republic of Tchetchenie. According to the plans work out by the general staff and the command of the military Area, the withdrawal of Tchetchenie of the units of the military Area of Moscow must be completed about April 1, A underlines colonel Goussak.