PARLIAMENTARY GROUP " IABLOKO ": THE IDEE OF INCONGRUOUS MOTION OF CENSURE EAST MOSCOW, March 14. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " Galina Filippova /. Intervening Wednesday has the meeting pleniere of Douma of State (Lower House of the Parliament) in the name of the parliamentary group " Iabloko " Serguei Ivanenko A qualifies " joke " DEBATES on a motion of censure and has appele the deputes has not in it to take part. According to the depute, the reasons invoquees by the Communists who propose a debate on the question of confidence to the government are " incongruous ". Thus, has it says, " the node embourgeoise Communist Party tries regler the problems specific to the party ". In same time, continued Serguei Ivanenko, the parliamentary group " Iabloko " is categoriquement against the policy of the government. The group requires that the cabinet of the ministers draw urgently from the extraordinary budgetary rentrees to make the armee entirely professional and adopts amendments with the Code of procedure penal under the terms of which the arrest will not be possible that on arrete legal. " Iabloko " also decides in favour of amendments has the law on the sharing of the product (those should encourage the investment) and to take measures for proteger small and medium-sized undertakings.