THE YUGOSLAV FORCES OF SECURITY MADE THEIR ENTREE IN THE BUFFER ZONE CLOSE TO BORDER MACEDONIENNE BELGRADE, March 14. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Alexandre Slabynko). The Yugoslav forces of security unifiees made them entree in the buffer zone close to the border macedonienne. The operation deroule like prevu and without incidents. Displacements of the Yugoslav forces are supervise by the observers of the European Union and of the joint commission on the realization of the agreement technico-soldier signs by Yugoslavia and NATO has Kumanovo in June 1999. The representants of the coordinating committee of the governments Serb and Yugoslav conduits by its president Nebojsa Covic observe the entree units of security in the sector " C-Is " covering the localites of Mirotovci, Trnave and Norce. The return of the soldiers and the font in the sector " C-Is " buffer zone has ete decide by the commander of the forces of security unifiees, general Minoslav Krstic, has advertisement Nebojsa Covic has a press conference donnee the night derniere has Bujanovac. In accordance with the agreement and with the calendar approves by the multinational force of peace, the commander of KFOR A authorizes the entree forces of security in this sector. Nebojsa Covic A confirms that these forces would not enter the localites and would not act against the populations.