THE GENERAL CONSULATE OF RUSSIA A NEW YORK REQUIRES THAT PAVEL BORODINE NOT BE ANY MORE SHACKLE MOSCOW March 14. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Alexandre Chichlo). The general Consulate of Russia has New York puts all works about it so that Pavel Borodine, taking into account its exceptional situation as a civil servant of high row, that is to say debarrasse of its shackles and can communicate with the world exterior. It is what has advertisement the fastener of press of the Secretary of State of the Union Russia-Bielorussie Ivan Makouchok. According to its remarks, Pavel Borodine is currently in a hospital complex lutherien or it occupies an individual room gardee by police officers. It always has the wrists obstacles by shackles. Ivan Makouchok has rappele that in the prison of Brooklyn or Pavel Borodine was before being hospitalizes for cardiac problems, it was autorite has to make five blows of telephone per day. The former intendant of the Kremlin communicated in particular with members of his family, his staff has Moscow, his lawyers and the general Consulate of Russia. Ivan Makouchok has advertisement which the doctors americains insisted that Pavel Borodine undergoes complete medical examinations. According to all probabilite, the Secretary of State will not leave the hospital complex before the weekend.