THE AGREEMENT BETWEEN RUSSIA AND THE BIELORUSSIE ON THE SINGLE CURRENCY EAST RATIFIES MOSCOW, March 14. / Corr. RIA " Novosti " Maria BALYNINA /. the Council of the Federation, Upper House of the Russian Parliament, A ratifies the agreement between Russia and Bielorussie on the single monetary unit and the common broadcast transmitting station of the Russia-Bielorussie Union. This decision has ete taken has the majorite voices. The president of the committee of the Upper House for the businesses of the CEI, Oleg Bogomolov, said that the purpose of this agreement is to establish the modalites passage has the single monetary unit of the Union has through various stages of the transformations operees in the spheres economic, financial and monetary of the two countries. Although the role of the single monetary unit of the Union is filled from January 1 2005 by the Russian rouble, the agreement ratifies prevoit the possibility of using it in this quality before this date, if the economic and organisational conditions were reunies to this end, continued Oleg Bogomolov. The document says that from 1 January 2008 between in force a new single currency of the Union on the basis of agreement between Russia and Bielorussie. The Council of Federation A also ratifies other international agreements, in particular the agreement on the co-operation of the States of the Black Sea in search and the rescue on water, an agreement between the governments of Russia and Azerbaidjan on the principles of perception of the indirect taxes in the bilateraux exchanges, as well as the 6th protocol has the general Agreement on the privileges and the immunites of the Council of Europe.