DEBATES AROUND MULTIFORM CO-OPERATION FRONTALIERE VLADIVOSTOK, March 14. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Larissa Beloivan). The premiere meeting of experts as regards multiform co-operation frontaliere in the north-western part of the Pacific is achevee has Vladivostok (administrative center of the territory of Primorie, in the Russian Extreme-East). According to the regional Management of the federal Service of the borders of Russia, took share has this two days conference of the delegations of the federal Service of the borders of Russia, of the Japanese Management of security at sea, of the national Agency of the maritime font of the Republic of Coree and the Guard cotiere americaine. The participants holds this meeting had as a spot to define the structure and the functions of the national Centers of coordination frontaliere. The decision of creer of the centers which could proceed regularly has the exchange of information, to coordinate the activity of the services of the borders of the frontier countries of the Asia-Pacific area of Russia had ete taken in December 2000 has the premiere meets has Tokyo of the experts in question. The Baltic area already acquired an experiment in the matter, or function of the small groups which procedent 24 hours out of the 24 A the collection, has the analysis and has the technical exchange of information.