THE RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT WILL STUDY THE QUESTION RELATING TO THE SUPPORT BY STATE A NATIONAL INDUSTRY AERONAUTIQUE KAZAN, March 14. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Vladimir Chevtchouk). The Russian government will examine on March 22 the question relating to the support by the State has national aeronautic industry, Vnechtorgbank having to be a bank which will support the leasing of the national civil hardware aeronautic, A declares with the journalists the Deputy Prime Minister Ilia Klebanov visits some in Tatarstan. **time-out** with its statement, the State have some obligation in front of the industry aeronautique national, also take it some measure so that the airline aeriennes can control the materiel aeronautique of point with company national. The Russian government mene also of the negotiations with Western companies which, we will esperons it, will place they-also of the orders has our companies, said Ilia Klebanov.