SPANISH LAWYERS OF THE RUSSIAN PRESS BARON VLADIMIR GOUSSINSKI PRESENTENT A RECOURSE AGAINST ITS IMPRISONMENT MADRID, March 14. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Juan Cobo). The Spanish lawyers of the Russian press baron Vladimir Goussinski have presente Tuesday a recourse against its imprisonment decidee by the national Audience (principal Spanish authority penale). The lawyers have note that during the three months run out since its arrest in Spain, the press baron did not have gives place has its unexpected transfer in prison. Monday afternoon, Vladimir Goussinski, assigns has residence and place under monitoring policiere in its villa of Sotogrande (Costa del Sol), has ete incarcere has the prison of Algesiras before being transfere, Tuesday morning, has the prison of Soto del Real (40 km in the north of Madrid). The imprisonment of Vladimir Goussinski is dictee by the risk of its escape before the lawsuit which will take place on March 15 and or Spanish justice will decidera of its extradition towards Russia, according to the resolution of the national Audience.