THE AMBASSADOR OF THE UNITED STATES IN RUSSIA IS MEETING WITH THE GOVERNOR OF THE AREA OF SVERDLOVSK EKATERINBOURG, March 14. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Svetlana Iakouchina). The area of Sverdlovsk (the Ural) account 60 mixed companies and 22 representations of firms and companies americaines, in particular that of " Boeing ". These data have ete citees by Edouard Rossel, governor of the area of Sverdlovsk, during its meeting with the ambassador of the United States in Russia James Collins which took place has Ekaterinbourg (regional center). The interlocutors have examines various aspects of the co-operation bilaterale. According to the information of the department of the information of the governor, Edouard Rossel has rappele that trade between this Russian area and the partners americains were figures into 2000 A 645 million dollars, that is to say 30 percent more than the preceding year.