THE IDEE OF CREER NATIONAL ANTI-MISSILE DEFENSE LOSES PRESTIGE IN THE UNITED STATES WASHINGTON, March 14. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Arkadi Orlov). The number of partisans of the creation of the national system of anti-missile defense (NMD) in the United States falls considerably, if this action is liee has the rupture of Russo-americain Draft ABM. (This draft signs in 1972 refrenait the arms race). In temoignent the results publish of an opinion poll carries out has the request of the chains of television CBS and the newspaper " New York Times ". As it arises from the survey, the idee of creer the NMD in the United States is constant today, in the unit, by 67 % of Americains, 26 % are against. However, the reponses favorable to the NMD have abruptly decreases (until A 33 %), when the partisans of the NMD heard the question attaching the creation of the national anti-missile system has the resiliation by the United States of the Russo-americain Draft of 1972. 27 % of enthusiastic initial of the NMD answered negativement has the posee question this way. It has ete of it the same one when the question about national anti-missile defense mentioned the opinion of many scientists who estimate that this system will be never effective. In this case, the creation of the new system has ete supported only by 35 % of the initial partisans, 27 % answered negativement.