FORMER RUSSIAN PRIME MINISTER SE LAUNCHES IN A TURN OF THE WORLD MOSCOW, March 14. (Corr. Ria " Novosti "). The former Russian Prime Minister, Viktor Tchernomyrdine, go enfourcher a motoneige and to take part in the turn of the world of UNESCO " the large path of North ". In an interview accordee has RIA " Novosti " it has advertisement which the " Crusade of North " will begin on March 16. The departure of forwarding will be gives in the town of Zapolarny which preside the international Steering Committee of forwarding. The premiere left the itineraire will be effectuee in motoneiges. Viktor Tchernomyrdine has advertisement that within the principal group, including the persons in charge of forwarding in particular, it will go until A the Russo-norvegienne border. Here forwarding will give up the motoneiges for attachments of dogs, but the former Prime Minister will have unfortunately to give up his travelling companions. The browsers of North will follow the polar circle has edge of the attachments of dogs, crossing the septentrional territories of Russia, of the United States (Alaska), of Canada, of Denmark (Greenland), of Iceland, of Norway, of Sweden and Finland. Forwarding is dirigee by Serguei Soloviev, honorary polar browser and regular member of the geographic Company of Russia. It will be accompanies by the doctor-administrator Vladimir Rybine, of the conductor of attachment Filipp Ardeev and a representant guide of the people of the countries cross-pieces by the itineraire. The essential mission of forwarding is to draw the attention of the opinion like that of the governmental mediums and businesses to the problems of the Russian Far North and the development of the economic and cultural base of this very significant area for Russia.