THE INDONESIE STUDIES THE POSSIBILITY OF BUYING A RUSSIA OF THE MATERIEL OF WAR DJAKARTA, March 14. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Serguei Melnikov). The government indonesien studies the possibility of buying has Russia of the materiel of war, and, probably, has Poland and has Romania, and this because of the embargo americain on the export of weapons towards Indonesie, A declares with the journalists has Djakarta the minister indonesien Defense Mohammad Mahfud Mahmudin. The purchases could be done in conformity with trade agreements between Indonesie and these countries, have it adds. According to the minister, three countries propose the delivery of weapons has preferential conditions. Indonesie will be able to buy a vast range of weapons, hunters and other weaponries. The Minister for Defense in A pays to president Andurrahman Wahid which has load the Minister for Finance to study this question has bottom. According to Mohammdad Mahfud Mahmudin, Indonesie needs to buy armaments because the United States had decrete the embargo in 1999 following terror in Timor Oriental declenchee by the forces pro-indonesiennes after the referendum to which the majorite is prononcee in favour of the independence of this old province indonesienne. Indonesie should not buy weapons has only one country because this last will be able to benefit from it to exert political pressures, estimates the Minister for Defense.