RUSSIA CAN PLAY AN EFFECTIVE ROLE IN A MULTIPOLAR WORLD, A DECLARES THE PRESIDENT OF IRAN MOSCOW, March 14. (Corr. Ria " Novosti "). Russia can play a " role worthy and effective " in a multipolar world, that whose temoignent " the role plays by Russia in the world, its efforts deployes to today choose a national model of development and its opposition has the establishment of a world command has a pole ", A declares the president of Iran Sayed Mohammad Khatami in his intervention prononcee in front of the deputes of Douma (Lower House of the Russian Parliament). The bringing together between Iran and Russia is in conformity with the interests of the people of the two countries and represente not a threat for the others, A underlines the Iranian president. Iran and Russia make a great contribution has the security of the two areas, has it says. The Iranian president east decides for the co-operation between Iran and Russia. According to him, the vicinity of Iran and Russia A contributes, lasting of the centuries, has the establishment of the major contacts between them. These dernieres years, the co-operation between the two countries received a significant impulse, it pointed out. According to Khatami, several joint projects are in the process of realization. It is in particular about the completion of the construction of the power station nucleaire has Bushehr and of the creation of the corridor of North-South transport. Moreover, the project of construction of new nuclear and thermal power stations is has the study, as well as the petroliers projects. The scientific and industrial contacts are developpent. Speaking in front of the deputes, Iranian president A underlines the necessite to raise the level of the regional co-operation in connection with the problems of the Caucasus, the Central Asia, Caspian, the Close relation and the Middle East. Khatami A expresses the hope which the efforts combine of the two countries, in particular Parliaments, will allow to increase the possibilities of cooperer in many fields.