THE STATE DEPARTMENT AMERICAIN SE DISTANCIE OF BUSINESS BORODINE WASHINGTON, March 14. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Arkadi Orlov). The Russian part has ete informee transfer of the Secretary of State of the Union Russia-Bielorussie, Pavel Borodine, prison of Brooklyn or it was in a hospital new-yorkais as soon as official circles have ete put at the current, has advertisement the spokesman of the State Department americain, Richard Boucher. According to this one, the employes of the consulate of Russia have the possibility of returning visit has Pavel Borodine. Being expressed Tuesday in front of journalists has Washington, Richard Boucher also said that it knew that the Russian part did not agree with the decision taken the week derniere by the court of New York to refuse the application of release in bond of Pavel Borodine, however, according to its remarks, all the decisions relating to this question are exclusively spring of the court. Pavel Borodine " can has any moment to stop the procedure of extradition while agreeing to go to Switzerland ", A declares the spokesman of the State Department. What affirms Richard Boucher, the Secretary of State of the Russia-Bielorussie Union does not use this possibility and it is " the reason for which there remain incarcere in the United States ". The former intendant of president Boris Eltsine, Pavel Borodine, has ete challenges on January 18 has New York under the terms of an international warrant for arrest launches by Switzerland. The helvetic legal autorites show this Russian high-ranking civil servant of bleaching of money and violation of the Swiss laws. The general Parquet floor of Russia does not formulate objections of this kind has the regard of Pavel Borodine. In an interview accordee recently with the newspaper " New York Times ", the Secretary of State of the Russia-Bielorussie Union had advertisement which it did not refuse to go to Switzerland, but that considerant that it did not have absolutely anything has to reproach itself it " would go in this country only in the free capacity as man ".