RUSSIA STUDIES THE IRANIAN PROPOSALS ON THE CASPIAN SEA MOSCOW, March 14. (Corr. Ria " Novosti "). Russia studies the Iranian proposals on the definition of the statute of the Caspian Sea to discuss it then with the other countries the Caspian basin. This declaration has ete made by the Russian Minister for the Businesses etrangeres Igor Ivanov has the exit of the negotiations in the Kremlin with Iranian president Sayed Mokhammad Khatami. Igor Ivanov has releve that the negotiations, difficult, on the definition of the statute of the Caspian Sea were in hand. There exists, has its statements, several approaches of this problem. The day before, has rappele the Russian minister, Iran has presente certain amendments with the proposal on the statute of the Caspian one. Igor Ivanov did not however want the concretiser taking into account, has his statements, of the difficult stage that crossed the negotiations.