MOSCOW WILL INFORM THE MAISON-BLANCHE OF THE RESULTS OF THE VISIT OF THE IRANIAN PRESIDENT IN RUSSIA WASHINGTON, March 14. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Arkadi Orlov). Question Tuesday evening has Washington by journalists about the " preoccupation " manifestee by official circles americains about the possible supply of Russian conventional armaments has Iran, the secretary of the Security Council of Russia, Serguei Ivanov, A declares that it intended to expose has his interlocutors the position of Russia with regard to the co-operation with Iran. According to remarks' representant top of the Kremlin, it is errone of speaking about a " resumption " of the co-operation technico-soldier between Russia and Iran since this co-operation " never has cease ". As regards the deliveries, it is not the one new decision, it has here ete taken " two years or the year derniere at least ", said Serguei Ivanov. It has rappele that this question had already ete examinee has Washington with the adviser of president Bill Clinton for the national security, Samuel Berger. In same time Serguei Ivanov A stresses that it was lays out has to examine this theme with the conseillere of George Bush for the national security, Condoleezza Rice, and the Secretary of State americain, Colin Powell. " These questions they also will debattrons we them and I will inform my interlocutors of the agreements occurred during the visit effectuee in Russia by the Iranian president, Mohamad Khatemi ", said Serguei Ivanov. In addition, it has precise that at the time of the node Russo-Iranian, president Vladimir Poutine and his Iranian counterpart " did not have evokes the co-operation technico-soldier "