THE SOLUTION OF THE ENERGY PROBLEMS OF THE EXTREME-ORIENT WILL BE FROM NOW ON COMPETENCE OF THE SPECIAL REPRESENTANT OF THE PRESIDENT VLADIVOSTOK, March 14. (Corr. Ria " Novosti " Anatoli Ilioukhov). Energy problems of the territory of Primorie, in the Russian Extreme-East, as well as the preparatifs has the next season of heating will be from now on controls by Konstantin Poulikovski, representant special of the president in the federal Area of the Extreme-East. The representant special one made this statement Wednesday, of the sound arrives has Vladivostok, administrative center of Primorie. Konstantin Poulikovski will have to spend three days to Primorie or it will owe verifier the way in which are resolvent the energy problems, as well as the preparatifs has the season of heating between 2001 and 2002. " the persons in charge of the territorial administration and the municipalities will have to present reports/ratios to me on this subject ", said Konstantin Poulikovski. It will have to also study the situation in the free trade area of Nakhodka and creation in this zone of a Russo-coreen technical park. It will thus go on March 15 has Nakhodka (not far from Vladivostok) to hold a meeting to with it. Coree of the South, has it says, A ratifies all the essential documents. " It is now has Russia to do it. And it will be done in the months has to come ", has it underlines.