THE IRANIAN PRESIDENT: MA VISITS IN RUSSIA A ENRICHED THE GOOD RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE TWO COUNTRIES MOSCOW, March 14. (Corr. Ria " Novosti "). Iranian president Sayed Mohammad Khatami A states that it was certain that has the exit of its visit in Russia the good batis relationship between the two countries grew rich and received a new impulse. He made this statement has his meeting in the Kremlin with the Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov. Sayed Mohammad Khatami emphasized under this report/ratio that its meeting with president Vladimir Poutine " A encourages and opened beautiful prospects in our reports/ratios ". Of his share, Igor Ivanov is felicite visit of State of the Iranian president in Russia. Minister A declares that has its meeting Tuesday with its Iranian counterpart Kamal Kharrazi they had examines the principal international problems of actualite and have confirms once again that the positions of Moscow and Teheran vis-a-vis to the problems cles were similar. Igor Ivanov has additions which they also had studies the calendar of the next contacts. Iranian president A thanks the Russian leaders and the people for the cordial greeting which has ete reserve to him.