ONE SHOULD NOT SE SERVE AS THE MEDIAE TO MAKE RENAITRE THE NAZISM, NOR TO INTENSIFY THE ACTIVITY OF THE FORCES OF INTERNATIONAL TERRORISM MOSCOW, March 14. (Corr. Ria " Novosti "). One should not be useful oneself of the mediae to propagate the ideology of the extremism of right-hand side, to make renaitre the Nazism, nor to intensify the activity of the forces of international terrorism, this new challenge has the European security. Such are the approaches of principle which have ete exposees by the Russian delegation holds a meeting having for theme: " freedom of expression: new and current challenges " on behaviour March 12-13 has Vienna, with the siege Organization for the security and the co-operation in Europe within the framework of human dimension. According to the Department of the press and information with the Russian ministry of the Businesses etrangeres, Russian delegation A also carries the accent on the reciproque complementarite of the freedom of the mediae and the freedom of expression, on the one hand, and of the responsibility for the mediae and the journalists, other. Delegation A underlines her preoccupation of the situation with the mediae russophones in certain Member States of the SOEC of which initially Baltic States. Took share has this conference of the experts of 55 Member States of the SOEC, many journalists and representants of international and national organizations nongovernmental.